“Build a Peace Chorus Against the Ghouls of War”

Saturday, October 26, 2:00 PM, New York City


Opening—‘Because All Men Are Brothers’

  • Sare Brass Quintet: Little Fugue, J.S. Bach (1685-1750); Piece for Brass Quintet, Victor Ewald (1860-1935, Russia)

  • “Because All Men Are Brothers” (text, Tom Glazer; music, Bach’s Passion Chorale, Hassler) Friends of Sare-Vega Chorus


  • Diane Sare, Candidate for U.S. Senate, New York

  • Jose Vega, Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, 15th CD, the Bronx, New York

Call to Action—‘Go Down, Moses’

  • Dennis Fritz, Director of the Eisenhower Media Network; Command Chief Master Sergeant (ret. U.S. Air Force)

  • “Go Down, Moses,” Chorus

  • Russ Dobular, from “Due Dissidence,” platform for political commentary

  • Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute; convenor of the International Peace Coalition

  • “O, Freedom,” Chorus

Stop the Nuclear War Madness—‘Hold On’

  • Garland Nixon, veteran progressive radio and television talk show host; member of the National Board of the ACLU

  • “Hold On,” Chorus

  • Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (ret. U.S. Army), Chief of Staff of former Secretary of State Colin Powell

Freedom from War—“Steal Away”

  • “Steal Away to Freedom,” Chorus

  • Jimmy Dore (invited), podcaster (Home of the Jimmy Dore Show); comedian, political commentator

  • Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst; co-founder of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity)

  • Jose Vega

  • Diane Sare

Classical Principles—Beauty, Courage, Statecraft

  • “Quia Respexit” from the Magnificat in D, by J.S. Bach (“He has looked upon my lowliness”), soprano, oboe duet

  • South African Youth Chorus (invited)

  • Special contributions of classical music from Iran, Syria, Albania, and Sweden

Additional Music

  • String Quartet No. 12, “American,” Op. 96 B. 179, Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904) NEO String Quartet

  • “Shalom Chaverim” canon, Hebrew traditional folk tune, Chorus and audience

  • “My Country ’tis of Thee” arr. by Fred Haight from Dvorak’s String Quartet, Op. 97 B. 180 Larghetto, Chorus and NEO String Quartet

  • “Battle Cry of Freedom,” George Root, 1862, Chorus and audience